Why Hire Developers from Egypt? The Rise of Egyptian Software Development.
A booming tech ecosystem, expertise at competitive rates, time-zone advantages, government support and a growing talent pool, do not come without a few challenges.
Read MoreWhy Hire Developers from Egypt? The Rise of Egyptian Software Development.
A booming tech ecosystem, expertise at competitive rates, time-zone advantages, government support and a growing talent pool, do not come without a few challenges.
Read MoreWhat’s the biggest challenge companies face in Egypt? Retaining employees.
Hiring is always expensive, in terms of time and money. It is made even more costly when those you’ve hired don’t work out, and you must start the whole process again.
Read MoreIn Egypt millions of applicants are people looking for a job. How can you stand out?
Here at Keys, our clients have told us there is one quality among all others they look for in job applicants. One thing that lets people really stand out:
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